
Welcome, Dear Visitor!

I’m komidawi, and I’m flattered you came here :)

About me


  • I’m a Computer Science and Programming enthusiast
  • JVM languages fan: Java liker, Kotlin lover 😉
  • 4+ years of commercial experience, mostly in backend
  • Computer Science BSc graduate (AGH, Cracow, Poland)

Java, Kotlin, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, SQL, PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL, Ktor, Maven, Gradle, Android, Python, Kotest, JUnit, Spock, Mockito, TDD, BDD, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Docker, Jenkins, CI/CD, ELK, Kafka, REST API, OpenAPI, Clean Code, Clean Architecture, SOLID, DRY, YAGNI, KISS, POLA, DDD, Hexagonal Architecture / Ports and Adapters, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Unix, Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, Functional Programming, IntelliJ IDEA, SCRUM, JIRA, Confluence, Microservices

last edit: 15.12.2023

  • linux/shell - interesting commands and features of zsh + oh-my-zsh + Powerlevel10k combo and other Linux stuff
  • terraform - cheatsheet of syntax, descriptions of features, best practices - notes from terraform course
  • microservices - notes taken during reading Building Microservices book from O’Reilly, a detailed summary with my comments

My Projects/Repositories

Bigger ones


System for optimizing seat allocation on trains
Bachelor of Science Thesis Project, AGH, 2021

This is so far the biggest non-commercial project I’ve taken part in. It is a configurable system to optimize seat allocation on passenger trains - a use case example would be passenger seating restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Another important functionality is optimization of the seat assignment process for efficient use of logistical resources and increased passenger comfort.

Technologies: Kotlin, Ktor, Ktor-OpenAPI-Generator, Kotest, Mockk, JWT, RAPTOR, Jackson, Gradle


Handy Android app which helps to make an optimal decision when choosing pizza size and shape.

Project focused on high code quality and proper coding and Android architecture practices. Much code written with TDD, high coverage levels. Unit tests, integration tests, e2e tests. CI/CD made with Bitrise. SonarQube and CodeCov for metrics.
I wanted this project be the one without any deadlines. It was supposed to answer the question: “If I had unlimited amount of time, how would the code look like then?”

Technologies: Kotlin, Room, JUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Gradle, Bitrise, SonarQube, CodeCov

Smaller ones


Recipe management Android app.

Initially started in Java and legacy, later converted to modern Kotlin Fragments, Navigation component and MVVM Android architecture. The goal was to learn how to write Android apps.

Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Gradle, Fuel, Gson


Database exercises of PostgreSQL and PL/pgSQL.

Although it’s not a project, this repository is a valuable source of knowledge still helpful in my everyday programmer life. Even after years I use it as a straightforward reference showing usage of queries or functions.


A simple, yet fully playable platform game made with PyGame.

It was the first project I have ever made. Although it’s mostly just modified tutorial code, I like it as it’s memento of my start with the “real IT world” adventure.

Technologies: Python, PyGame, tilemap

© komidawi.

This is just a small set of notes done by me :) Hope some of them will be helpful to you!